The Perfect GF Muffin

Anyone whose done even a little bit of gluten-free baking knows that it can be a challenge to get the consistency right. Combine a bunch of tasty ingredients and the flavor is bound to be yummy, but consistency is a whole different can of worms.

These muffins (adapted from this recipe from Paleo Running Momma) NAIL IT on consistency. Something about the zucchini mimics the moist deliciousness of gluten-filled muffin. I hope you make these and give me your honest opinion if you agree!!

What you need:

Wet ingredients:

  • 2 eggs, room temp
  • ¼ cup coconut oil (melted)
  • 6 Tbsp almond butter
  • 2 cups finely shredded zucchini (2-3 med) water squeezed out with paper towel before folding in
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup frozen beets

Dry ingredients:


  • Toppings: 1/2 cup fresh / dried blueberries, chocolate chips, raisins, etc


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F
  2. Cream together all the wet ingredients and add them to the blender. Blitz for a few seconds until combined. I like to start with the eggs, almond butter, coconut oil and vanilla. Once combined I add the zucchini and after that I add the ACV and finally the beets. Honestly though, it all ends up getting pulverized together so I’m not sure it makes much difference 🙂
  3. Add the dry ingredients to the blender except for the toppings.
  4. Once the batter is blended stir in your toppings. We like to use dried wild blueberries from Trader Joe’s
  5. Pour mixture into mini / regular sized muffin liners and bake for about 25 minutes

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